Apricot Tree Wellness Healing from the inside..out!

Why I Am Different

What makes me different?

I am not like the reiki masters, mystical healers, and health coaches. I am not a doctor nor do I ever want to be. I’m called and mentored by the greatest physician that EVER existed..

It’s my job to love you with compassion, listen, and teach you how to help your body do what it does best, naturally heal. I do this through wisdom founded on Biblical truth.

When you walk into a doctor’s office, you expect him to make your pain go away and/or save your life. But in reality, he can only guess at your illness, give it a name and prescribe a drug, a denatured product created mainly for profit.


Here is the top 5 specialties that bring the most revenue for hospitals:

  1. Cardiovascular surgery: $3,697,916
  2. Invasive cardiology: $3,484,375
  3. Neurosurgery: $3,437,500
  4. Orthopedic surgery: $3,286,764
  5. Gastroenterology: $2,965,277
ALL of these are tied to gut health, immunology.

These Are The Drugs Doctors Get Paid The Most To Promote/Prescribe:

  • Victoza, type-2 diabetes.
  • Eliquis, anti-clotting drug.
  • Brilinta, blood-thinner.
  • Invokana, type-2 diabetes.
  • Latuda, schizophrenia.
  • Xarelto, anti-clotting drug
  • Humira, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn’s disease.
  • Tudorza, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Natural medicine was labeled quackery by The father of pharmaceutical medicine and a collaborator in the creation of the American Medical Association. He was also instrumental in banning natural medicine from all medical colleges of his time. He was one of the richest men and his family is still part of the elite.

Why do you think the doctor never tells you why you have an illness? They will never tell you how to fix it, only how to silence symptoms with medication.

Licensed physicians who have chosen to go the natural functional therapy route spend millions of dollars defending themselves in court against the medical board and the American Medical Association.

If you think about it, it’s part of a multi-level marketing scheme. If you think doctors earn their millions through appointment visits you are sadly wrong. They earn their kickbacks lifelong from prescription drugs. The more drugs they can get you on the more money they earn. Insurances pay doctors top dollar for medicines that cost them pennies. There are laws in place especially in America that prohibit them from curing a patient. And even doctors that you see on social media who no longer take patients keep their title of Dr. But are no longer allowed to practice because they have been stripped of their license. That is why you see them share so much natural knowledge online through YouTube and social media.

Your doctor’s boss is actually the government. Do you believe your government is there to protect you? United States is a corporation, a business. As with any business, its interest is making money and keeping money while cutting losses. Every business has assets and liabilities.

What are you? Are you an asset to them or a liability?

What is the greatest liability in the corporate United States? It’s the sick, homeless, and the elderly.

How would you say is the easiest way to cut a living liability?

It is my job to turn you into an asset, to remove you from the liability list. To show you the truth.

Are you ready to find the REAL truth?

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About Me
Hi! I’m Susan

I am a Holistic Health and Wellness Coach with over 15 years of experience, research and have lived and resolved my own health issues. I have a passion to give people hope and healing through Holistic Medicine.

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