Health Mentoring Founded on God's Word

Are You Ready to Change your Life?

you have tried everything, spent tons of money 

and nothing works.

The diagnosis or even prognosis seems grim.

You’ve been told your disease will never be better,

Or you need surgery

and you will be on meds for the rest of your life.

But what if there is ANOTHER WAY?

over half of the population

have chronic conditions,

Even more are undiagnosed.

What Is Biblical Health mentoring?

It's supporting the body's natural ability to heal itself through biblical principles.  

Understand the Underlying Cause, the Consequences of Medical Options, 
and the Biblical Foundations in Regenerative Healing.

What Makes Us Different?

We follow the original blueprint design of how your body was created. The one who made you also knows how to heal you. We guide and support you on your personal journey using biblical principles in stewardship with body, mind and spirit. 

Learn How to create lasting change.

Change takes a transformation of the mind first, understanding, commitment, consistency, perseverance, patience, and support.

These are the foundations needed for REAL lasting change.

bellpepper funny couple

Get Your Life Back

Gain support, understanding, encouragement and guidance to resolve the underlying cause of your symptoms. 

Do You Want To:

      • reduce inflammation
      • lose weight
      • sleep better
      • reduce fatigue
      • gain energy
      • have motivation
      • gain peace
      • experience joy
      • learn self-confidence
      • gain vitality
      • better relationships
      • improve digestion
      • reduce cancer risks

       What IF You could resolve 

      • high blood pressure
      • diabetes
      • digestive problems
      • skin issues
      • sleeplessness
      • anxiety or depression
      • mood swings
      • irritability
      • food allergies
      • fatigue
      • hot flashes
      • thyroid disfunction
      • auto immune disease
Start NOW! To Improve Your Life

Schedule Your
free Session

Take the first step toward a healthier, happier and meaningful life with a 
no-obligation online session.

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"I am 70 years old. I have struggled with my digestion since removal of my gallbladder. I had chronic kidney pain, struggled with my weight, energy, memory and brain fog. Since working with Susan, I'm more positive, my relationships have improved. I have lost weight, my memory is better, my focus, sleep, energy, joy and vitality is much improved. Even now, the pain has stopped and my kidneys are functioning better as well. I feel like I'm actually digesting my food again since my gallbladder surgery." -
Karen F