Many people struggle with their immune system. Your immunity is your guards at the gate of the kingdom(your body). When there is a compromised immune system either by overactivity or under activity, it can cause a whole can of worms of problems to occur.
When there is interactivity, there is a breakdown of recognition of invaders, you have an immune deficiency. When there is overactivity in the body, such as a food allergy, there is an autoimmune response. This is a continual attack on the body cells that causes inflammation and often organ tissue damage.
What is your immune system?
Most people think it is in your head or your chest. The truth is, the immune system is a complicated network of organs, cells, and proteins that protects the body’s own cells and fights off infections. Your immune system saves a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever killed. This way, if the same microbe gets into the body again, the immune system can quickly recognize it and kill it.
It begins in the gut. When invaders such as under-digested food, viruses, chemicals, or bacteria get past the gut lining into the blood because of an imbalance of good bacteria and holes in the gut, the body launches it’s army of antibodies to kill and destroy the foreign invaders.
What causes Immune Imbalances?
Many things can trigger an immune imbalance, either by low or over immunity. Most doctors will often prescribe a medicine to raise or lower(suppress) the immune system. There are major repercussions for both actions which in reality don’t fix what’s broken, but only tape it together, so to speak. But there is always a way to support your body’s natural ability to heal itself, even when it comes to an under or overactive immune system. All your body needs is the tools and a chance to heal.
Your body is like a kingdom, constantly at war. When the boundaries or walls of that kingdom are weak, the enemy can come in and kill, steal, and destroy. Immune suppressant drugs blindfold the people from seeing the damage and tie the hands of the guards at the gate of the kingdom.
Instead of suppressing the immune system, support is needed to balance out the weaknesses, reverse the damage and help the body heal.
Why? is the Question
One of the major questions that allopathic (western medicine) doesn’t ask is “Why”.
Doctors generally have a basic protocol for finding the responses of the body, making a diagnosis, and prescribing a drug for suppressing that response. They are not trained to find the underlying cause of the problem. In fact, they are held back from “healing” anyone. Any doctor that takes unapproved actions in curing a disease can and will be sued by the medical board and their license removed.
The Real Cause
Research tells us that due to intestinal parasitic infections, some 3.5 billion people are affected; 450 million are symptomatic, and yearly more than 200,000 deaths are reported. That is about 80% of the population have parasites in their gut. But parasites can hide in cells as well. Viruses are intracellular microparasites. This means that a virus replicates by entering inside of a cell, using resources to populate and the result is the explosion of that cell with the release of the parasite.

Mistaken Identity
Your body will respond to those intracellular viruses and attack those cells. At first glance, it looks like an all-out immune overresponse that is destroying your own organs, but in reality, your immune system is doing exactly what it was created to do, kill the virus.
Viruses, or microparasites, are often very smart. They will evade antibody attacks in any way possible. They will even mutate to trick your body’s defenses. When the antibodies kill enough of them off, they go dormant and wait. When stressors on the body such as emotional stress, and internal or external toxins weaken the immune system, that smart virus takes that opportunity to wreak havoc again by attacking the weak links in your body.
Cancer Causers
Research shows that intracellular parasites have the ability to inhibit apoptosis. Since we also know that parasites also feed on heme, the iron in the blood, and that cancer also steals iron from the blood, many people who have low iron who also have cancer, also have parasitic infections. This is the premise prediction for viruses such as Epstein Bar Virus causing cancer.
Destroy the Parasite, Heal the Cancer
With this speculation due to evidence, it is predictabe to do both, destroy the parasites and heal the cancer.
A parasite cleanse is so much more than just that, a cleanse. It takes a specific protocol that needs to be closely monitored by a holistic health practitioner. It involves removing toxins, increasing the efficiency of detoxification, mitigating die-off symptoms, modulation of immune function, and emotional support during the process.
If done improperly without proper monitoring by a professional, it could cause a dangerous health emergency.