Many struggle with symptoms they simply feel is beyond their control
- Fatigue
- Weight Problems
- Thyroid issues
- Pain
- Sleep Disturbances
- Blood Pressure Imbalance
- Hair Loss
- Allergies
- Blood Sugar Problems
- Digestive Issues
- Skin Issues
- Addictions
- Eatting Disorders
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Brain Fog
- Organ Failure
These red flags are only symptoms of a deeper issue, a root cause. We have been told there is no cure or that it’s just the way things are because of genetics. But that simply is not true. Suffering is not necessary. There IS a way to actually TURN OFF those genetic markers.
Medications only manage the symptom, without addressing the cause, there is no chance of healing.
If you don’t know where the root of the problem lies, you cannot correct it and will find a cascading effect that will not only hurt other systems and organs but is likely to backfire sooner than you realize.
Many practitioners miss the mark as to addressing the toxic overload that lies deep within the cell. Repairing the cell is a 5 phase process that requires a very specific protocol.
#1 Assess and Identify
looking at the bigger picture helps me to understand what your biophysical and psychological needs are. Understanding where you are coming from and where you want to go will help me to help you find the right path to your goals.
#2 Cleanse and Rest
Your body needs the opportunity to clean much of the toxic overload that may be weighing down your natural ability to repair and heal. If you are overloaded with internal and external toxicity, your body is too busy dealing with that and cannot focus on repair. Resting those same systems is the best way to prepare for the hard work of healing.
#3 Reset and Retrain
Your systems have been stuck in a cycle that obviously has declined your health on multiple levels. Resetting how your body cleanses, repairs and rebuilds is vital to healing full circle. Even down to molecular levels, can be reset to your God given potential.
#4 Balance and Repair
There is a delicate balance to everything in life. This includes body, mind and spirit. If one is out of balance, so are the other two. That imbalance can prevent repair and literally spiral into a very deadly direction. Balance supports repair.
#5 Support and Reinforce
Trying to figure it all out according to what we read and research is often a confusing and frustrating journey. What do you believe when you don’t know the motivation behind the research, right? Allopathic medicine only addresses symptoms, not the real issue underneath. You need someone who understands the body mechanisms and has experienced healing from devastating illnesses. Sticking to it when you don’t have someone cheering you on is hard, especially when your motivation is low. But success in the small things will bring momentum. That is why accountability is vital to success. Old habits die hard. That accountability leads to positive habits that bring lifelong reinforcement.
Together we will take a holistic (whole-body) approach. It’s never just one thing, symptoms are clues that something needs to be addressed, something much deeper.
Gain the support you need to heal and you will see changes you never thought would be possible.
Health Strategies
fully customized per client and executed over several months or more, depending on your condition.
Your customized plan includes:




Natural Medicine


Education and Understanding

Labwork and Testing
How It Works
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