Apricot Tree Wellness Healing from the inside..out!

The Quick And Easy Keto Kickstart Plan

An 84 page comprehensive guide to losing weight while lowering inflammation, cleansing the body and balancing hormones
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This comprehensive 14 day guide to ketogenesis is unique. It explains what ketosis is, why you should do it, what the Bible says about it and how it can help heal your chronic illness. Included are a ton of recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to satisfy your palate and keep you full. This 84 page guide is packed full of color and simple to understand content to help you stay on track for your jumpstart keto diet.

This guide offers suggestions and tips for success. It has a grocery list, a two week schedule, best practices, supplements, antioxidants, the best foods to select for your diet, a guide for sweeteners, and so much more.

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